Ahoy and salut! Kicking off a series of occasional musical episodes--as in episodes about musicals; nobody wants to hear our boys sing--inspired by Paul’s love of This Is Me, he and Arlo gear up for a tuneful Geek Challenge. They are both intensely on brand: Arlo challenges Paul to Jacques Demy’s deceptively candy-colored 1967 classic The Young Girls of Rochefort, while Paul forces Arlo to endure Ken Annakin’s inexplicable 1982 swashbuckler The Pirate Movie. They’re surprised to discover that these incredibly different films, besides both being musicals, have some connective tissue: the use of fantasy to escape cruel reality, metatextual references to themselves and other movies, and...well, okay, after that, they’re almost completely different, but come on! Wouldn’t it be cool if Catherine Deneuve danced with a cartoon octopus? Plus, Paul has thoughts on the Star Wars Rebels finale and Arlo has been taking a trip through classic Disney.

Next: Kronos must have forgotten to fold his sheets, because there is now A Wrinkle in Time. I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.



  • Intro / Banter (00:00 - 34:00)


  • Star Wars Rebels SPOILERS (4:00 - 11:43)


  • The Young Girls of Rochefort (34:00 - 1:28:07)


  • The Pirate Movie (1:28:07 - 2:06:51)


  • Outro / Next Week (2:06:51 - 2:11:41)
Direct download: Episode_336.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30pm CST





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