San Diego had its annual expo/trade show/clusterfuck from July 20-24, Comic-Con International, and while the Gobblers weren't actually on hand, they discuss some of the biggest comics, movies, and TV news to emerge from its seething bowels. Oh, and some nifty cosplaying. (Also some pathetic cosplaying. But we're trying to be positive here.) Plus: news and Formspring questions!



Next: "No Country for the Outlaw Josey Wales."

Direct download: Episode_60.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:39am CST

Captain America has arrived to some very positive buzz, but not all superhero adaptations fare so well. Paul and AJ are here with their official list of the 5 Worst Superhero Adaptations...but to console your inevitable sense of despair, they've also got the 5 Best Superhero Adaptations. Tights, capes, laser beams, and nipples are all on display. Merely a day's work for our intrepid Gobblers.


Next: Comic-Con 2011!


‘Nuff Said.

Direct download: Episode_59.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:04pm CST

Yes, ladies and gentlemen: the C-Word! We're talking about canon, of course. (And its dirty little sister, continuity.) These two words, and fan reaction to them, have defined a lot of fandom. How do you react to the supposed reality of a fictional story? Is it fluid? Who has the right to decide where canon begins and ends? These questions and more are blathered on about by Paul and AJ this week. Plus: news, AJ's review of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2, and Formspring questions.

Direct download: Episode_58.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:19am CST

I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn...the geek who watches Game of Thrones and has come here to rant and rave about it for your listening pleasure. Paul and AJ delve into the realm of Game of Thrones, including its many (oh god so many) characters, many of whom are wonderfully despicable; its shocking moments; its adorably incestuous sibling-on-sibling action. All that, plus: news, Paul's thoughts on Zookeeper and The Tree of Life, and Formspring questions.


Next: the boys discuss fandom's two big C-words--canon and continuity.

Direct download: Episode_57.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:46pm CST





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