It's time for another Gobbledygeek Thanksgiving! This year, in lieu of

being sociable and actually talking to other human beings, Paul and AJ

decided to watch the Bat-Turkey-approved ThanksKilling and ThanksKilling

3, all about a murderous turkey being all murder-y. While they find the

first ThanksKilling awful but sort of funny, they have not a single nice

thing to say about ThanksKilling 3. This episode is mostly just them

consoling each other. Maybe they'll talk to people again next year. Plus,

the boys discuss the closing of Hostess and the recent (recanted)

allegations made against Kevin Clash.

Next: we're taking a week off to recuperate from ThanksKilling 3, but also

to celebrate Thanksgiving itself. So happy Thanksgiving! (We won't inform

Bat-Turkey of your dinner plans.) When we return, it will be with the

third annual Gobbledygeek Gift Guide.

Direct download: Episode_121.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:43am CST

Gobbledygeek is no stranger to generations-spanning epics; the whole show has been an experimental piece showing how different pop culture artifacts complement and dovetail with one another, and of how the love of two co-hosts will endure for the rest of history. Haha, just kidding, we're just a dumb podcast, but this week we are talking about something that is certainly not dumb and is most definitely ambitious: Tom Tykwer and Andy & Lana Wachowski's Cloud Atlas. Paul and AJ are both fans of the film and describe why it works for them and how emotional it made them, while also discussing the whole "yellowface" controversy. Plus, there was this whole big election thing that happened. They talk about that.

Next: It's the third annual Gobbledygeek Thanksgiving! This time, instead of actually talking to other human beings, we will be most thankful for the Thankskilling duology.

Direct download: Episode_120.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:43pm CST

This week, Paul and AJ are joined by Eric Sipple, author of the new YA novel Broken Magic. Eric talks about what led him to write this story, the challenges of finishing a novel, adventures in self-publishing, and how much he loves Steven Moffat. Plus, the guys attempt to get out the vote and discuss why or why not Disney buying Lucasfilm is actually a big deal.

Next: Paul will be a young Asian woman, AJ will be an Aboriginal hunter, but don't worry, it all makes sense; they'll be talking Cloud Atlas.

Direct download: Episode_119.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:45pm CST





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