For the twelfth entry in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the House of Ideas goes microscopic with Ant-Man, bringing Paul Rudd into the fold and attempting to shrink from their recent overstuffed epics. Is there still room for a small-scale, one-and-done movie in the MCU? On their way to finding out, Paul and AJ discuss the film's inventive use of perspective, what it thinks of women, how Rudd stacks up as a superhero, and yes, Peyton Reed taking over the director's chair from an unhappy Edgar Wright.

Next: Greg Sahadachny is back for another Four-Color Flashback installment exploring Jeff Smith's Bone. This time, we're taking a look at Vol. V: Rock Jaw - Master of the Eastern Border.

Direct download: Episode_239.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 10:16pm CST


I'm sure you've missed Paul and AJ in their extended absence. (Are those crickets I hear?) Well, if you'd like to find out what they were up to, the lowdown's here, as the boys--along with original Gobbler Joseph Lewis--subject anyone who dares listen to the 21st century equivalent of vacation slideshows. These three heathens made their way down to Austin, TX, where they enjoyed the sights, the sounds, the movies, the food. Oh, did they enjoy the food. On their surprisingly Confederate flag-free tour of the South, they also hit Memphis, Nashville, and New Orleans, all of which they discuss in detail. The gang talks about the many movies they saw at the Alamo Drafthouse (including Terminator Genisys and Magic Mike XXL), what they wrote on the wall outside Graceland, and their surprise celebrity encounter at Third Man Records.

Next: Marvel's biggest little hero gets his turn in the spotlight with Ant-Man.

Direct download: Episode_238.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:53pm CST


During Miyazaki Month earlier this year, Paul and AJ (along with a number of their friends) discussed every feature film of Hayao Miyazaki's career...except two. Which is why they've revived the concept for a "lost" Miyazaki Month analyzing 1979's The Castle of Cagliostro, Miyazaki's first movie; and 2008's Ponyo, his penultimate film. Well, "analyze" might be the wrong word...for different reasons, these are two movies which don't necessarily require a lot of thought. But the boys give it their all anyway, going over Cagliostro's heist picture wackiness and Ponyo's dreamlike simplicity, not to mention Hitler and nightmare fish Muppets.

Next: we're on who knows! But we'll be back!

Direct download: Episode_237.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 8:00am CST


We got th' gitchy feelin', which can only mean one's time for another Four-Color Flashback installment exploring the world of Jeff Smith's Bone. Once again, Greg Sahadachny of The Debatable Podcast and All the Pieces Matter joins Paul and AJ to discuss Bone: Vol IV - The Dragonslayer. The series now has both feet in the "epic fantasy realm," so the gang discusses how the expository infodumps work, how Smith maintains his sense of humor amid the darkness, Phoney's major heel turn, and whether or not you should be reading this thing in color or black-and-white.

Next: while Paul and AJ are gone fishin', they've discovered a "lost" Miyazaki Month episode! They'll discuss the only two Miyazaki features they didn't get to in April, 1979's The Castle of Cagliostro and 2008's Ponyo.

Direct download: Episode_236.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 1:31pm CST





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