Paul, Arlo, and returning guest Michael Holland aren’t in Westview anymore. For its second TV series, the Marvel Cinematic Universe returns to more conventional superheroics. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier is the Captain America sequel we’ve been waiting for, filled with stellar action sequences, resonant character work, and a twisty-turny plot. The gang debates how well that last element works, but one thing they can all agree on: director Kari Skogland and head writer Malcolm Spellman do their cast justice, bringing depths to Sam and Bucky we haven’t gotten to see on the big screen. Other topics of discussion include just how relatable the Flag Smashers are, Madripoor’s splashy MCU debut, Sharon Carter’s heel turn, and how Wyatt Russell makes an insufferable character sufferable.


NEXT: he’s not exactly a falcon, but he is a weird little bird-boy. For the first Four-Color Flashback discussing manga, Paul and Arlo take a look at Inio Asano’s Goodnight Punpun: Vol. 1.




00:00:44  -  Intro / Guest

00:05:05  -  Main Topic

02:05:00  -  Outro / Next








  • “Trouble Man” by Marvin Gaye, Trouble Man (Soundtrack) (1972)
  • “Fly Like an Eagle” by Steve Miller Band, Fly Like an Eagle (1976)




Direct download: Episode_437.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:23pm CST

Deception is as American as apple pie. Elizabeth and Philip Jennings are well aware of this--they’re Russian spies under deep cover as a suburban couple in the U.S., after all. Their new next door neighbor, FBI Agent Stan Beeman, threatens to throw a wrench into their long con. Over the course of The Americans season 1, there are plenty of twists, turns, betrayals, and confessions. Wesley “Wezzo” Mead has infiltrated the podcast to join Paul and Arlo as they begin a retrospective on Joe Weisberg’s critically acclaimed but criminally underseen FX series. The gang discusses the tremendous work by leads Keri Russell and Matthew Rhys; how the show is a little pulpier and fast-moving than they remembered; the characters’ vacillating beliefs in each other and the systems they move within; and, of course, all those wigs.


NEXT: Hollywood post-production supervisor Michael Holland flies in for a look at The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Take note, Jennings--Soviet agents can be reformed!




00:00:51  -  Intro / Guest

00:03:45  -  Main Topic

01:50:05  -  Outro / Next




  • “Tusk” by Fleetwood Mac, Tusk (1979)
  • “Games Without Frontiers” by Peter Gabriel, Peter Gabriel (1980)




Direct download: Episode_436.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:11pm CST





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