How does one go from lamenting the untimely demise of Tom King’s Batman to discussing the power structures that dictate what one finds culturally acceptable in any given generation? There’s only one way to find out: by listening to this week’s Gobbledygeek! Paul and Arlo blather about superheroic drama, including Superman: The Animated Series; opinions that have evolved with time, whether they’re on The Downward Spiral or She-Ra: Princess of Power; and why the hell Pete Venkman was carrying 300ccs of Thorazine.


Next: Johny Ho joins Paul and Arlo to discuss Gene Luen Yang’s American Born Chinese in the latest Four-Color Flashback.



Total Run Time: 01:10:56

00:00:25  - Intro / the boys are pissed off

00:02:39  - Tom King kicked out of the Bat-cave.

00:12:22  - Hickman murders the X-Men.

00:16:27  - Rest in peace, Whiskey Cavalier.

00:24:04  - What the hell has Arlo been doing in the shadows?

00:26:50  - Oh, he’s been watching Superman cartoons.

00:41:22  - Our changing perspective on beloved art and pop culture.

00:52:06  - Peter Venkman was creepy as hell!

01:08:00  - Outro / Next

Direct download: Episode_375.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 11:39am CST

To paraphrase Olivia Newton-John, “Let’s get political--political!” Paul and Arlo discuss politics only occasionally, but this week, they unload. With anti-abortion bills being signed into law in both of their home states, Alabama and Ohio, the boys have a thing or two to say. (Spoiler: they are loudly and clearly pro-choice.) Where do you go after that? Well, Paul saves a restaurant bird, Arlo goes down a murderous Reddit rabbit hole, and Paul cannot get the fuck to sleep. Sweet dreams, kids.


Next: who knows!



Total Run Time: 01:02:35

00:00:46  - Intro / Terrible No Good Very Very Bad Politics

00:33:49  - Paul saved a restaurant bird

00:39:11  - Arlo hates gore, loves murder sub-reddits

00:49:24  - The paranoia is coming from inside the house

00:53:36  - Backdoor neighbors

00:59:00  - Outro / Next

Direct download: Episode_374.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 2:14pm CST

Welcome to another Freestyle episode of Gobbledygeek, wherein you can either choose to hear Paul yell at clouds or Arlo have an existential crisis about adulthood. Just remember: whatever you choose, it’s gonna taste like watered-down Dr. Pepper. Paul and Arlo discuss Arlo’s new house; their digitally-assisted strolls down memory lane; how nostalgia can lead to arrested development (neither the show nor the hip-hop group); and how “take” culture has sucked a lot of the joy (and nuance) out of pop culture discussion.


Next: oh god, it might be another one of these?



Total Run Time: 01:11:46

00:00:30  - Intro / Banter

01:04:42  - Outro / Next

Direct download: Episode_373.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 11:21am CST

All good things must come to an end. And while the Marvel Cinematic Universe is not one of those things--there’s another one of these bad boys coming out in a few months--Avengers: Endgame does represent the culmination of this first wave/cycle/saga of the MCU. Paul and Arlo are joined by their The Deli Counter of Justice co-creator Eric Sipple to discuss just how in the hell directors Anthony and Joe Russo, screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, and many many other talented filmmakers pulled off this marvelous feat. Because somehow, some way, Endgame is just about the most satisfying conclusion you could hope for.


Next: enter the void.



Total Run Time: 02:04:13

00:00:30  - Intro / Banter

00:05:37  - Avengers: Endgame (Non-Spoiler)

00:30:17  - Avengers: Endgame (SPOILERS)

02:02:00  - Outro / Next

Direct download: Episode_372.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:23pm CST





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