It’s a veritable cornucopia of conversation as Paul and AJ let it roll with another fast-and-loose episode. Netflix’s questionable new business strategy is discussed (tweets are read aloud!), some of the new/returning fall TV shows are subject to the boys’ discerning gaze (planking is dissed!), R.E.M.’s break-up is mourned (Michael Stipe’s penis!), and more. Paul offers up his review of Drive, while AJ raves about Girls’ new album Father, Son, Holy Ghost. If you like your Gobbledygeek served raw and rambly, this one’s for you! Whatever that means. Forget I said anything.


Next: Ernest Cline’s new geek bible, Ready Player One!

Direct download: Episode_68.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 11:51pm CST

Welcome, boys and girls, to another off-the-cuff, scriptless episode. After a little bit of getting’ to know you banter, the boys randomly decide to talk about why we geeks are so drawn to works of fantasy and science-fiction. They also say some words about the latest wave of DC Comic’s New 52, AJ shares his thoughts on the films Our Idiot Brother and Horrible Bosses, and Paul waxes rhapsodic on Another Earth. But of course what we all care about here are the boys thoughts on the new Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 9 #1 (hint: they dig it), and Ultimate Spider-Man #1, which includes them mocking the %#$& out of “valued reader” Jimmy Champane and “formally happy Marvel true believer” Douglas Maxfield. Good times.

Direct download: Episode_67.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:54pm CST

Paul and AJ have already told you what movies you're going to watch this fall, but what about those nights when you feel like staying in and staring slack-jawed at your television screen? Well, ladies and germs,we've got you covered! The boys discuss a number of new shows--sci-fi dramas like Terra Nova and comedies like New Girl, starring the glorious angel that is Zooey Deschanel--and returning ones--from Community to Boardwalk Empire. Now you have no excuse not to be as anti-social as humanly possible. You can thank us later! Plus: Paul reviews more DC New 52 books; AJ tells you why you need Spotify in your life; we've got the second half of last week's Formspring question; and a listener e-mail.

Direct download: Episode_66.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:39am CST

Hello Gobblers! In honor of this Labor Day holiday, the boys did absolutely no work to get this podcast ready. No news. No predetermined topic. Just two geeks chatting and ranting, freestyle…like nerdy, talentless Flava Flavs. Thrill as the boys complain about George Lucas! Marvel as they complain about the debut of the DC New 52! (See what I did there?) Roll your eyes as they conflate adorable actress Karen Gillan and adorable (?) writer Kieron Gillen! They saw some movies and say some things about ‘em; they pimp some local record stores; they sing the praises of Direct Comic Book Service ( and InStockTrades (…PLEASE SPONSOR US! 

Direct download: Episode_65.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:40pm CST





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