Rulers--whether they be corrupt, wise, or both--make rules. They establish boundaries, set parameters within which a person lives their life. Should those rules be broken, there will be consequences. Neil Gaiman explores some of those consequences, joined by an incredibly talented string of artists including Bryan Talbot and Jill Thompson, in The Sandman: Vol. VI - Fables and Reflections. Paul and AJ continue their year-long Four-Color Flashback exploration of The Sandman, discussing everything from barophobia to Greek myth, from the once-great city of Baghdad to the Thriller video. Plus, Donald Glover finally gets to be Spider-Man and AJ offers his thought's on Netflix's first animated series for adults, BoJack Horseman.

Next: on September 1, Paul and AJ kick off an epic podcrawl (see information on participating podcasts in the show notes) discussing the Alien and Predator films with a look back at Ridley Scott's 1979 classic Alien.

Direct download: Episode_196.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 8:28pm CST

Not a boy but not yet a man; it's something both humanoid mutant turtles and Texans experience. To cover that wide range of experience, Paul and AJ are discussing both the new Michael Bay-produced version of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles as well as Richard Linklater's down-to-earth epic Boyhood. Joining them is Nowheresville director/Smoke Gets in Your Ears: A Mad Men Podcast co-host Joseph Lewis, who manages to summarize TMNT in the most beautiful way possible. That might be the only beautiful thing in relation to the movie; spoiler alert, but one of these films is a hell of a lot better than the other, and it's probably the one about growing up without a stable father figure that was filmed over 12 years. Wait, which--which one was that? Plus, things start on a serious note with Ferguson and the passing of Robin Williams.

Next: we continue our year-long Four-Color Flashback exploration of Neil Gaiman's The Sandman with a discussion of Vol. VI: Fables and Reflections.

Direct download: Episode_195.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 8:11am CST

Come and get your love, boys and girls: the Guardians of the Galaxy have arrived. Paul and AJ abduct the young, impressionable Kenn Edwards (So Let's Get to the Point host/Smoke Gets in Your Ears co-host), leading him on a whirlwind tour of the universe, discussing the finer points of James Gunn's sci-fi blockbuster. Among those points: whether or not, ten movies in, the film marks progress for Marvel Studios; the unlikely (or perhaps the most likely) breakout characters; and that bitchin' soundtrack. Plus, AJ goes in for a sleep test and gets back up on his Spider-Ham soapbox.

Next: Joseph Lewis returns for another gathering of the Turtle...uh, Tribe? Is that a thing? Anyway, this time the gang's discussing the new Michael Bay-produced Ninja Turtles movie.

Direct download: Episode_194.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 11:39am CST

When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, it might just be because Thessaly's pulled it to Earth, wreaking all sorts of havoc on the ground. This Paul and AJ learn in the latest installment of our year-long Four-Color Flashback analyzing Neil Gaiman's The Sandman, this time focusing on Vol. V - A Game of You. Joining the boys again are Wanna Cook? authors K. Dale Koontz and Ensley F. Guffey, who have much insight to offer on Gaiman's depiction of transgender character Wanda, artist Shawn McManus' use of the classic nine-panel layout, and, uh, polar bears. Add to this many Wizard of Oz illusions and discussions of identity, and you've got something we promise makes sense. Sort of. Plus, the gang riffs on Comic-Con, including the unveiling of Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman.



Next: ooga-chaka, ooga-chaka, it's the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Direct download: Episode_193.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 4:09pm CST





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