When the world was new, and dreams had not yet receded from the waking day...Paul and AJ had begun reading Jeff Smith's cartoonish magnum opus Bone. Well, it hasn't been quite that long, but the boys have been analyzing Bone all year long for 2015's Four-Color Flashback series, and their journey has finally come to an end. After admitting frustration with the endless infodumps and constant mythological revelations in the latter half of the series, they have a lot of hopes for Vol. IX: Crown of Horns. Does Smith deliver on these hopes? Does the series work better when viewed on a macro level? Does the ending fit with what has come before? Should you recommend Bone to friends looking to get into comics? My tinglin' scalp says the answers are all here.


Next: for our final episode this year, So Let's Get to the Point's Kenn Edwards, The Deli Counter of Justice co-editor Eric Sipple, and Star Wars fanatic Andrew Allen join Paul and AJ for a discussion of the obscure arthouse film Star Wars: Episode VII - The Force Awakens.

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Category:general -- posted at: 2:58pm CST





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