Fri, 21 March 2014
Koko the Showfucker is back and he's prepared to fuck the show right into--well, okay, a little of that happens, but for the most part, Jason Tabrys' return to Gobbledygeek is a little more focused than normal. Among the topics discussed are the Veronica Mars movie and its abundance of fan-service, the Cosmos controversy, and the fact that Captain America 3 and Batman & Superman: Friendship Is Magic opening on the same day is going to keep the idiotic flames of the Marvel/DC fan war raging long into the night. Then there's the big one: When you hate something--say, oh, The Big Bang Theory--is it fair to continue harshly criticizing it on social media even when you know someone who likes it? The (different, conflicting) answer(s) may surprise you (or not)! |