This Christmas season, put a little love in your heart with Paul and AJ as they revisit Richard Donner's 1988 reworking of A Christmas Carol, Scrooged. This year's Twisted Christmas entry stars none other than AJ favorite Bill Murray as soulless TV exec Frank Cross, who is visited by a number of very annoying spirits who try and pummel him into living life to its fullest. The boys discuss Murray's manic-to-dry range, what we're supposed to make of Frank's (and even Scrooge's) character arc, and the interesting decision to cast Carol Kane as the sound of nails on a chalkboard given form. They also invent the mental breakdown Donner surely had on set. This is a weird one. Plus, there's talk of those Star Wars and Jurassic World trailers, if you're into that sort of thing.

Next: an all-star jam band of our Sandman compatriots takes place, as the gang turns to the final volume of Neil Gaiman's epic, Vol X: The Wake.

Direct download: Episode_210.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 8:58pm CST





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