Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is swinging back into theaters with The Amazing Spider-Man 2, and we're on hand to dissect it. There is just so much going on in this movie that Paul and AJ have recruited another villain for their burgeoning franchise: Kenn Edwards of So Let's Get to the Point and Project Batman. The gang is sharply divided on just how good Marc Webb's sequel is and just how much plot is too much plot, but the common ground is surprising. Namely, the film's faithful portrayal of Spidey himself; the adorability of Emma Stone as Gwen Stacy; and the power of one particularly iconic moment. Plus, Paul shares some shocking casting news, and AJ and Kenn dig on Louie.

Next: K. Dale Koontz and Ensley F. Guffey join us to discuss their book Wanna Cook? The Complete, Unofficial Companion to Breaking Bad. Meth and/or egomania not required.

Direct download: Episode_183.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:46pm CST





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