Mon, 27 June 2022
For this month’s Four-Color Flashback, Paul and Arlo roll the Die to discuss Kieron Gillen and Stephanie Hans’ dark tale of a group of one-time RPG nerds getting sucked into the world of the game. Gillen has described the book as “goth Jumanji,” and there’s some truth to that–these characters feel everything, hard. Luckily, so do we, and so does special guest Eric Sipple, author of Mimesis and co-creator of The Deli Counter of Justice. The gang discusses how Die takes apart and rebuilds typical D&D classes, its commentary on the entire history of gaming, why Ash is so important to Eric, and much more.
NEXT: by the hoary hosts of Hoggoth, it’s Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness!
BREAKDOWN 00:00:32 - Intro / Guest 00:05:46 - Our histories with RPGs 00:14:56 - Die 02:44:20 - Outro / Next