Armed only with a glass of water and his trusty baseball bat, Kenn Edwards of So Let's Get to the Point invades the podcast this week to help Paul and Arlo kick off Gobbledyween 2016. This year's month-long horror-fest gets off to a miraculous start with a discussion of M. Night Shyamalan's sci-fi thriller Signs. After the runaway success of The Sixth Sense and the lukewarm contemporary response to Unbreakable, Signs is often considered the last film Shyamalan made before a precipitous decline; that is, when it's considered at all. The gang gets to the core of what makes Signs a worthwhile film, including a question you may hear repeated about the other movies on this year's slate: Is it a horror film at all? The boys also delve into Shyamalan's exploration of faith, how the film functions as a response to 9/11, whether or not it's okay to still enjoy a Mel Gibson performance, and more. Plus, Paul violently shames Arlo for not watching Luke Cage, and the mythical episode 300 is teased.


Next: Gobbledyween 2016 grows fangs for Kathryn Bigelow's 1987 vampiric neo-Western Near Dark.

Direct download: Episode_296.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:30pm CST





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