This week on Gobbledygeek, Arlo has Pokémon fever! That's right, he has become one of the hordes of mindless zombies trawling their backyards and local establishments for Japanese pocket monsters via the Pokémon Go mobile game. Then, Paul reports live from San Diego Comic-Con 2016 (sort of)! He and Arlo give their scalding hot takes on footage from Wonder Woman, Justice League, and more! They get into the icky, misogynistic controversy surrounding the new animated film version of Batman: The Killing Joke! Is all of this a ploy to get you to actually listen to the next episode in our year-long Four-Color Flashback series analyzing Matt Wagner's Grendel? Why, yes! Yes, it is! No one cares, but this week, the boys dig into the bold, bizarre, brazen "Incubation Years," collected in Grendel Omnibus: Vol. 3 - Orion's Reign, pp. 10-112! It's good, we swear!


Next: after a week off, Paul and Arlo return to discuss the first season of AMC's Preacher adaptation. What's that? You haven't watched Preacher yet? Go watch Preacher.

Direct download: Episode_286.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:50pm CST





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