Times are tough in Matt Wagner's nightmarish neon near-future New York as Paul and Arlo continue their year-long Four-Color Flashback trip through Grendel. This time, the boys finish out "Devil's Legacy" with chapters 8-12 of Grendel Omnibus: Vol. 2 (that's pp. 247-370, if you need to know). What exactly is the devil's legacy? How do Hunter Rose's actions reverberate through the generations, as his "step-granddaughter" Christine Spar once more puts on the mask and picks up the fork? Paul and Arlo search for an answer while drawing a through-line between Grendel and fellow class of '86-ers Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns, poring over the myriad bizarre details of the Pander Brothers' artwork, and lauding the achievements of one McGruff the Crime Dog. Plus, a brief, spoiler-free discussion of the pilot episode of AMC's Preacher adaptation.


Next: strap on your aprons and grab your spatulas! The Deli Counter of Justice authors man their own deli counters, each cooking two burgers apiece from The Bob's Burgers Burger Book.

Direct download: Episode_278.m4a
Category:general -- posted at: 3:43pm CST





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