Tue, 24 May 2016
Times are tough in Matt Wagner's nightmarish neon near-future New York as Paul and Arlo continue their year-long Four-Color Flashback trip through Grendel. This time, the boys finish out "Devil's Legacy" with chapters 8-12 of Grendel Omnibus: Vol. 2 (that's pp. 247-370, if you need to know). What exactly is the devil's legacy? How do Hunter Rose's actions reverberate through the generations, as his "step-granddaughter" Christine Spar once more puts on the mask and picks up the fork? Paul and Arlo search for an answer while drawing a through-line between Grendel and fellow class of '86-ers Watchmen and The Dark Knight Returns, poring over the myriad bizarre details of the Pander Brothers' artwork, and lauding the achievements of one McGruff the Crime Dog. Plus, a brief, spoiler-free discussion of the pilot episode of AMC's Preacher adaptation.
Next: strap on your aprons and grab your spatulas! The Deli Counter of Justice authors man their own deli counters, each cooking two burgers apiece from The Bob's Burgers Burger Book. |